“The author of such risky, visionary scripts as That Pretty Pretty; or, the Rape Play and the caustically lyrical Crumble (Lay Me Down, Justin Timberlake), Callaghan here takes a more workmanlike approach, devising two-plus hours’ worth of ingenious parallels with Calderon’s original.” -The Washington Post
“[Callaghan] has a keen eye for the outlandish…[Fever/Dream] exudes the kind of infectious zaniness that occasionally attracts cult followings.” -Variety
“Fever/Dream is a pizzazz-filled concoction that skewers corporatism with a generous supply side of laughs… comically irreverent… [Callaghan] is without doubt the purveyor of top-shelf American wit, not just in one-liners but also in concept. Even better, Callaghan is what I would dub a crossover playwright; she writes as aptly from the male point of view as she does from the female — and that alone is a rarity.” -Metro Weekly
“…fiendishly funny skewering of corporate culture… The wit of Miss Callaghan’s dialogue is so delightfully on-target” -The Washington Times
“Witheringly comic examination of corporate bureaucracy… something like a theatrical perpetual motion machine… Manic in the best way possible.” -Express Night Out
“The theme of corporate entitlement couldn’t resonate any better with a city weary of bankruptcies, bailouts, and bonuses.” -Decider DC
“An uproarious update…” -Washington City Paper
“Language is important to Callaghan…. Fever/Dreamprovides plenty to think about and lots of laughs.” -Curtain Up
“A frolic, but with bite… a solid night out that will make you laugh while it mirrors your own struggles.” -welovedc.com
“Playwright Sheila Callaghan gives us an hilarious play that pops the American corporate blimp…. [She] staples together outwardly nonsensical dialogue by anchoring Fever/Dream to Calderon’s plot and characters.” -dctheatrescene.com
“I can’t remember the last time a play made me laugh so hard. Leaving the theater, my friend and I found ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of memorable one-liners. Between the chuckles and belly laughs, the dialog is surprisingly layered, and gives the audience plenty to think about… Fever/Dream is about as funny as the sharpest Hollywood comedy, and far more rewarding.” -brightestyoungthings.com
“Author Sheila Callaghan is dead-set on taking roundhouse whacks at the rapacious monstrosities that corporations in this country have become. And she hits her mark… dazzling bursts of imagination…” -Scene Magazine
“…skewers corporate America while addressing the dreams and realities of these uneasy economic times… you’ll have to see the play to experience the unreal fairy tale ending…. a thought-provoking piece.” -CoolCleveland.com
“…a unique theatrical experience… familiar and relevant… a very entertaining new comedy…. Fever/Dream is a dark, yet humorous, look at today’s working world: low pay, under appreciated employees, and yes, corporate greed.” -What Locals Like About Cleveland Plus